Thursday, April 17, 2008

Homework for Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday - Using the RAFT format, write a personal letter to someone you want to reconnect with in your life.


Relating to experiences of characters in literature who have been affected in some way by a person, event, or experience

Reconnect with a person who is "lost" to you (through death, moving, or simply losing touch) while telling a story about a person, event, or experience (focus on only one) that has helped you develop into the person you are today.

A person you have lost touch with in some way (a childhood friend, family member, teacher, or other)

Personal letter

Expressive communication involves exploring and sharing personal experiences and insights. The writer/speaker of expressive text addresses the reader/listener as a confidante, a friendly, though not necessarily personally known, audience who is interested in how thoughtful people respond to life. As authors, students write, speak and use media for expressive purposes; as readers and listeners, they learn to appreciate the experiences of others. Expressive communication is stressed in English I and reinforced in English II, III, and IV. Expressive communication can include personal responses, anecdotes, memoirs, autobiographies, diaries, friendly letters, and monologues.

1 comment:

Ahdeem Tinsley said...

at this point in time in my life, there is no one that i have lost that i wish to reconnect with.

So do you suggest that i make something up

Sincerely Ahdeem Tinsley